About Us

Tribotech established in 1994 is Instrumental for Accuracy in Maintenance and Inspection field for today’s demanding industry. We have range of products to meet maintenance personnel demands for products for maintaining trouble free operation.


We represent ‘EASY-LASER’, Sweden for Laser based Shaft, belt and geometrical Alignment system. Stainless Steel SS306 Pre-cut shims form a part of our product which plays a crucial role as a good alignment practice for precise alignment.

CONDITION MONITORING : We represent 'VMI', Sweden, 'TIME', PHASEII and HUATEC brands with a complete range of Instruments for vibration monitoring to analysis from Basic vibration meters to FFT analyser and online condition monitoring systems.


We represent ‘SIMATEC” Swiss make Induction heater for mounting and ‘POSILOCK’ Mechanical and Hydraulic Pullers for dismantling of bearing, gears, sleeves, etc. ‘SIMALUBE’ Automatic Lubricators for 24x7 lubrication for intricate lubricating points. Non-Sparking hand tools for safe working in hazard areas.


We represent ‘, ‘HILGER & KERN’ Belt tensioner, ‘COMPACT’ Speed measuring instruments, Stethoscope, Stroboscope and ‘TIME’ non-destructive instruments like hardness tester, coating thickness gauge, roughness tester, etc.

CoMo :

We have ETI UK Make Infrared Temperature Gun. Leak Detect and Leakshooter French make for Compressed Air Leaks.

For Automobile sector we  deal in GARAGE EQUIPMENT for commercial vehicle industry. 'JOSAM' Sweden leaders in Wheel alignment, 'TOGON ' Tyre Changer and Balancers, G5 Nitrogen Generators and Inflation systems, SAFETY SEAL Easy-Balance Powders, 'SEFAC/ BUSLIFT' of France for Mobile column lifts for truck, buses, trains, trams, etc.

Our groups association with Industrial Maintenance field and Commercial Automobile is for more than two decades have given us immense knowledge in technical and marketing such high tech products and we have earned a reputation among our customers spread across the country for good Sales and after Sales Services. We have customers scattered across the country in all streams like cement plants, steel industries, power generation plant, petrochemical industry, defence, ferrous and non-ferrous plants, automobile industry, tyre companies, etc.

With our experience in the market, and in house engineering expertise of our team, supported by able guidance from sub-dealers and our overseas foreign principals we have been able to increase our sales exponentially year after year.

Our full-fledged Authorised Service Centre located in Mumbai provides support with good after sales service and back up for products represented and sold by us. Most of the system we are able to repair and calibrate in India itself which is a big plus.

We always strive to achieve more with our efforts and sincerity so that we can meet industries rising expectation in the years to come. We work with our customers closely like a team to achieve our mutual goals.